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Jul 16, 2011
Update: Lesson 3 Posted!
Via: thisismath vimeo Also, I have updated the problems to include a link to the correct solutions. I will be posing problems from section 1.2 today, but problems 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.6, 1.1.8, and 1.1.10 still do not have correct solutions! Finally, thank you to everyone that is watching and especially those who are going through the problems. I know that this takes time out of your day, and I hope that I... read more
Jul 5, 2011
Posted: Lesson 0
Fundamentals of Advanced Mathematics Lesson 0: Introduction I just posted lesson 0! I decided to make it a page, opposed to a post, because of the full-width option. Tomorrow I will finish adapting a post template to be full page so that comments can be posted on the lesson post. For now, you can comment on the new lesson here! EDIT: Updated, you can find the new Lesson 0 post... read more
Jun 24, 2011
On the current state of things
Things are going great here at This is Math. A reddit post on /r/math was well received with tons of comments and suggestions. A summary of the advice given can be found here. Thank you to the users who have already registered on this site, and don’t forget to register on University of Reddit. Right now I am ironing out any of the major design aesthetics needed for the site to run smoothly. I... read more
Jun 21, 2011
New Beginnings
I just launched my course on University of Reddit and I must say, I am floored with the response. Ten minutes into registration and there are 3 people registered. This is a great idea. read more